Stephen D. Cope & the Others

computer infrastructure expert, trading systems engineer, owner of multiple identical pairs of socks

For better or worse, the name Stephen Cope is quite popular. For a while I would keep a track of all the different Stephen Copes that pop up in the news. One day, I told myself, I would put together a list and have a chuckle. Let's see ...

Neighbours and relatives

One common problem I have is that my large family has re-used my first name a few times. So, I live near or am related to some of these good folks:

Further afield the family connection gets a bit more difficult to track down. But let's press on:



Further sightings

You can report any other sightings to me, or maybe if you get into the newspaper then Google News will hopefully send me an email summary.

Frankly, Facebook and Linked In make it frightfully easy to get a list of every single person with my name.